This Company Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets out guidelines and requirements for all staff, subcontractors, and suppliers (collectively, “Vendors”) that do business with any Love My Fashions Ltd T/A Europa Fashions. business or subsidiary (collectively, “LMF” or “we”). We expect our Vendors (including their employees, agents, subcontractors, and affiliates) to comply with the Code in conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions, even when the Code exceeds the requirements of applicable law. Violations of the Code can result in severe consequences for Love My Fashions and/or its Vendors. Accordingly, Love my Fashions will take appropriate action to ensure compliance with the Code, up to and including termination of business with the Vendor.


Books, Records, and Business Integrity. Love My Fashions prohibits corruption, extortion, and embezzlement in any form. For this reason, Vendors must ensure that their accounting and financial records related to their business with Love My Fashions comply with applicable laws and meet applicable standards of accuracy and completeness. Love My Fashions also expects Vendors to provide honest and accurate invoices. Invoices should be itemized, quote the Purchase Order (“PO”) number (if applicable), be supported by appropriate documentation, and comply with all other requirements as set out in the relevant contract(s). Invoices may not be split to circumvent approval requirements. Love My Fashions will not do business with a Vendor unless there is a signed contract with Love My Fashions and an approved PO (if required) on file. Bribery, Kickbacks, and Improper Payments. Vendors must ensure that their employees, agents, subcontractors, and affiliates comply with all applicable bribery and anti-corruption laws, including but not limited to the UK Bribery Act. To that end, Vendors must not promise, offer, or accept bribes, kickbacks, or other improper or unlawful payments or engage third parties to facilitate such conduct when conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions. Examples include cash, cash equivalents (e.g. bitcoin, debit cards, gift cards, gift certificates, prepaid cards, etc.), gifts, services, or other inducements intended to secure an improper business advantage. This requirement applies in all circumstances, but especially concerning dealings involving government officials, political candidates, or other public figures or entities.


Vendors must avoid offering gifts, meals, entertainment, or travel (collectively “Business Courtesies”) that might improperly influence, or appear to influence, Love My Fashions employees or agents, or that might embarrass Love My Fashions or the Vendor. Vendors should never feel obligated to provide Business Courtesies to any Love My Fashions employee or agent, even if the Business Courtesies have only nominal value. If a Vendor wishes to provide Business Courtesies to a Love My Fashions employee or agent, the Business Courtesies must comply with applicable laws and the following guidelines:


  • Acceptable: Gifts that are given infrequently and that are not of substantial value, such as food items or promotional materials bearing the Vendor’s logo (e.g. shirts, hats, pens, etc.).
  • Unacceptable: Cash or cash equivalents (e.g. such as bitcoin, debit cards, gift cards, gift certificates, prepaid cards, etc.) unless they are pre-approved by Love My Fashions’ Compliance Team via
  • Business Courtesies given to Love My Fashions employees or agents that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the Vendor or disposed of accordingly. Perishable items may be donated to our teams and/or to charity.

Meals, Entertainment, and Travel

  •  Acceptable: Reasonable meals, travel, lodging, and entertainment expenses related to a legitimate business purpose. Examples include attendance at a business-related conference sponsored by a Vendor, or attending a cultural or sporting event with a business counterpart working for a Vendor.
  • Unacceptable: Any meals, travel, lodging, or entertainment expenses exceeding GBP 250.00 per person (alone or in combination) unless they are pre-approved by Groupon’s Compliance Team via

Facilitating Payments.

Vendors must not offer or make facilitating payments (also known as “expediting” or “grease” payments) to speed up or secure the performance of routine government action (e.g., customs clearance) on behalf of Love My Fashions. Love My Fashions’ Anti-Corruption Policy prohibits facilitating payments and many countries treat them as illegal bribes. This requirement applies to all business conducted on Love My Fashions' behalf, regardless of any contrary local customs.


Anti-Counterfeiting. Love My Fashions Ltd T/A Europa Fashions strives to ensure that all of its products are of the highest quality and reliability and expects Vendors to notify us immediately if they believe or have a reason to believe that they have provided Love My Fashions or Love My Fashions' customers with counterfeit, illegally diverted, or stolen products, parts, or materials. The sale of counterfeit products on the Love My Fashions platform is strictly prohibited. It is each Vendor's responsibility to source and sells only authentic products. Vendors must also respond to requests for information regarding the source of any products, parts, or materials.

Intellectual Property Protection. Vendors must respect intellectual property rights, including Love My Fashions' intellectual property rights and the intellectual property rights of others, at all times. Respecting the intellectual property rights of Love My Fashions and others includes, but is not limited to, obtaining proper authorization and licensing agreements before using any intellectual property, refusing to misuse others’ intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, and complying with all applicable laws as they relate to Vendor products and listings. Any transfer of technology and know-how should be carried out in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and protects intellectual property rights.


Confidentiality and Protection of Information. Love My Fashions is committed to protecting its confidential information and the confidential information of its business partners, vendors, customers, employees, and candidates for employment. Love My Fashions requires Vendors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing confidential and proprietary information and to take all necessary measures to safeguard all such information that they receive from Love My Fashions and/or about Love My Fashions' business partners, vendors, customers, employees, and candidates for employment.

Data Protection and Privacy. Love My Fashions respects everyone’s right to the protection of their data, as this term is defined in the countries in which Love My Fashions operates, and everyone’s right to integrity in connection with the processing of personal data. Love My Fashions requires Vendors to comply with all applicable privacy and information security laws and associated regulatory requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), as well as with Love My Fashions' information security and privacy policies and any specific measures set out in Love My Fashions' contracts with Vendors. Vendors must create, retain, and dispose of business records by all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, Vendors must comply with Love My Fashions' requests concerning personal data and/or business records and assist with Love My Fashions when requested by their contracts with Love My Fashions.


Vendors must avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest caused by either business or personal relationships with Love My Fashions customers, other Vendors, Love My Fashions competitors or potential competitors, or Love My Fashions employees. Any actual or potential conflict of interest, and any connection to, or affiliation with, a Love My Fashions employee or the employee’s family member, a member of their household, or someone with whom the employee has a significant personal relationship, must be disclosed to the Compliance Team at


Vendors are expected to understand and comply with all applicable fair business, advertising, and competition laws, including fair trading and antitrust laws. Vendors must not exploit emergencies, such as healthcare crises, natural disasters, or other catastrophes, by charging excessively high prices for products or services sold on Love My Fashions or by making false claims regarding such products or services. Vendors must also treat Love My Fashions customers honestly and fairly, as well as in a manner that complies with all applicable civil and criminal laws and consumer practices. Customers have the right to be safe and secure at all times while interacting with Vendors, and Love My Fashions expects that Vendors address legitimate customer concerns quickly and appropriately.


Trade. Vendors must never discriminate against potential business partners based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion or respond to requests for information that the Vendor reasonably believes would allow business partners to discriminate on such grounds when conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions.

Export Controls. Vendors must inform Love My Fashions of any relevant restrictions on the export of their products outside the United Kingdom. Such information includes the name of any items subject to export controls (“controlled items”), their export classification number (where applicable), and the names of any restricted countries. Under no circumstances may any Vendor use the Love My Fashions platform, resources, or personnel to export controlled items to any sanctioned countries, entities, or individuals.


Child Labour. Love My Fashions strictly prohibits the use of child labor. In conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions, Vendors must never employ a person younger than age 14 or otherwise interfere with a child’s education by employing a child in violation of a country’s compulsory education laws. Additionally, Vendors must never knowingly source or import products for Love My Fashions or for Love My Fashions customers from third parties known to employ child labor. All Vendors are responsible for monitoring their global supply chains to ensure compliance with applicable child labor laws.

Coerced Labour and Human Trafficking. Vendors must never engage in any form of coerced labor, such as slave labor, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, and any other form of involuntary servitude, in conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions. Vendors must never traffic or otherwise exploit employees using threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud. Additionally, Vendors must never knowingly source or import products for Love My Fashions or for Love My Fashions customers from third parties known to employ coerced labor or engage in human trafficking or sex trafficking. All Vendors are responsible for monitoring their global supply chains to ensure compliance with applicable coerced labor and human trafficking laws.


Love My Fashions believes that diversity and inclusion is a social and economic imperative and looks to its Vendors to share this commitment in their operations and business partnerships. Love My Fashions encourages collaboration and inclusiveness, including concerning its employees, customers, and Vendors, because the best solutions are often those that draw on diverse ideas and perspectives. To that end, Love My Fashions seeks to engage with Vendors who perform at high levels and add a diverse perspective, including Vendors that are diverse in terms of their ownership structure (e.g. women-owned, locally-owned), scale (e.g. small or medium-size), and the nature of the enterprise (e.g., social enterprise). We expect Vendors to identify, adapt, and integrate diversity and inclusion and equal opportunity practices into their business processes and to compete on a fair and equal basis for business.


As an equal opportunity employer, Love My Fashions provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants, without regard to age, race, color, national origin, physical or mental disability, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital or veteran status, condition of pregnancy, parental status, political convictions, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic. We also accommodate disabilities and religious practices as required by law. We expect our Vendors to adopt and implement similar policies or practices and refrain from discrimination in conducting business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions.


Vendors must treat their employees who conduct business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions, as well as Love My Fashions customers and employees, with respect and dignity and may not subject them to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse.


Vendors must provide a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents or injuries arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of conducting business for Love My Fashions or as a result of the operation of Vendor’s facilities, where work is being conducted for or on behalf of Love My Fashions. Vendors shall provide their employees who conduct business for or on behalf of with the tools, equipment, and materials necessary to conduct their work safely, and shall not require their employees to

Vendors must provide a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents or injuries arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of conducting business for Love My Fashions or as a result of the operation of Vendor’s facilities, where work is being conducted for or on behalf of Love My Fashions. Vendors shall provide their employees who conduct business for or on behalf of with the tools, equipment, and materials necessary to conduct their work safely, and shall not require their employees to compensate the Vendor for the same unless otherwise allowed by applicable law.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct. Vendors must not engage in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind concerning their employees who conduct business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions or Love My Fashions customers. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct encompasses sexual and gender-based harassment, as well as other conduct such as sexual assault. The term sexual assault refers to sexual contact or behavior, often physical, that occurs without the consent of the victim. Individuals who are sleeping, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, under the care or control of a Vendor such as during a procedure or treatment, cognitively impaired, or otherwise incapacitated are not able to provide consent.

Wage and Benefits. Vendors must pay their employees who conduct business for or on behalf of Love My Fashions promptly and provide compensation (including overtime pay and benefits) that satisfies applicable laws. Under no circumstances may Vendors delay or withhold wages as disciplinary measures, as compensation for securing employment, or for any other purpose that is not authorized by applicable law.

Work Authorization. Vendors may not knowingly employ persons who are not authorized to work, as determined by applicable law, in conducting business with Love My Fashions or on Love My Fashions' behalf. If Vendors engage foreign or migrant persons to conduct business with or on behalf of Love My Fashions, Vendors must comply with the immigration and labor laws of the country where such persons are employed. Vendors must not require their employees to surrender government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of employment, and may only hold such documents temporarily to complete legitimate administrative and immigration processing.

REGULATORY AUTHORITIES & LAW ENFORCEMENT Vendors must reasonably cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement, including concerning inquiries, audits, reviews, or investigations related to the business being conducted with Love My Fashions or on Love My Fashions' behalf. Vendors must inform Love My Fashions of any such inquiries before responding to regulatory authorities or law enforcement unless doing so would violate applicable law. In addition, Vendors must inform Love My Fashions when a police report or formal complaint has been filed or raised regarding a Vendor’s action or inaction, the conduct of other customers, or the conduct of any of the Vendor’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or affiliates by either a Love My Fashions customer or by a non-Groupon customer if a Love My Fashions customer could be affected. Vendors are also expected to cooperate with an internal investigation conducted by Love My Fashions into a complaint or concern raised regarding a Vendor’s conduct.

REPORTING VIOLATIONS Anyone that knows of a potential or actual violation of the Code should make a report to the Compliance Team via